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utah state中文是什么意思

用"utah state"造句"utah state"怎么读"utah state" in a sentence


  • 犹他州立大学


  • The last pole of the transcontinental telephone line is placed in wendover , utah , on the nevada - utah state line
  • The project is a nasa and multi - university effort . in addition to the university of texas , students and personnel from clemson university and utah state university are participating in the mission
  • She is a member of the california and utah state bars and holds both a juris doctorate from boalt hall school of law , university of california at berkeley , and a bachelor s degree in government from pomona college
    Cottle现为加利福尼亚州和犹他州律师协会的会员,拥有加州大学伯克利分校boalt hall法学院的法学博士学位以及波莫纳学院的政府管理学士学位。
用"utah state"造句  
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